Outsourcing Search Packages – Make Examiners More Productive

The title examination process is detailed, often tedious and always exacting.  A mistake can lead to a claim.  Finding examiners with the outlook and detail focus for the job is difficult; once trained, the experienced examiners become a backbone of the best title insurance companies.  As business increases and examiners retire, using experienced examiners efficiently becomes a critical management task.

Collecting title evidence reduces examiner availability from work which truly needs their skills and experience.  Work such as:  document examination, analysis, resolving inconsistencies, finding and helping correct the errors in the public records, helping to cure defects in title, making sure that state laws and county peculiarities are accounted for, and preparing/reviewing the reports to match underwriter requirements.

Title insurance outsourcing with HDEP International can make an experienced title examiner more productive by collecting the title evidence from electronic sources and organizing the collected information in a format that makes the examination task easier and faster.  We offer two levels of title evidence collection  – typically called “search packages:”

Simple search package

  • Run property chains and name searches, collect tax assessor information, maps, and Pacer/Patriot Act information.
  • Collect the documents for all possible hits and package them for your examination.

Enhanced search package

  • Run property chains and name searches, collect tax assessor information, maps, and Pacer/Patriot Act information.
  • Examine the documents for relevance to your order, mark up the chains/runs to note docs eliminated, run additional names if doc exam indicates relevant party names were missed in the order sheet, and package the documents for your examination.

Our customers set the parameters for each package, such as 20-year search, 2-owner, etc.  The examiners won’t spend valuable time in the “find and request” task – for a simple order, the examiners may typically save between 15-30 minutes per order, or more.  The examiners will see which legals, names and variations were run, bringing confidence in the completeness of the package for their examination and reporting.

Outsourcing parts of the commitment process is a step toward making your valuable examination staff more productive.  Please contact us to learn more about our 20-year title production experience and our on-boarding process.

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